Q: What is a Physical Therapy, who is it for and what is a Physical Therapist?
Answer: Physical Therapy is for everybody and every – body!
Physical Therapists are the experts on how the body moves and how the musculoskeletal system works. We can assess muscle strength, range of motion and the integrity of the neurological system. We can screen for potential issues to help reduce the risk of injury and if an injury does occur, we specialize in how to rehabilitate that condition. PT’s are also highly trained to recognize other more serious issues and can help direct patients to the proper health care providers
Q: Do I need to be injured to have PT?
Answer: Not at all! Just like any other things you get a “check up” for, PT can help find imbalances in strength and mobility to help create programs to keep your body healthy. We can also design strength and conditioning programs for all levels, from young athletes to fall prevention and muscle preservation for the aging population.
Q: I am in pain so should I try seeing a physical therapist?
Answer: Yes! We are the leaders in using exercise as part of pain management science. Research supports the use of “exercise as medicine” for several conditions that cause pain.
Q: Do you accept insurance?
Answer: Warrens Physiotherapy Clinic has active affiliation with most insurance providers.
We strongly recommend that you become familiar with your insurance coverage for physiotherapy services and that you contact your insurance company if you have any questions about coverage.