#48 Warrens Court, Warrens Industrial Park,Warrens, St. Michael. 1-246-421-8994
Existing Client NoYes
Your First name*
Your Middle name
Your Last name*
Your email*
Telephone (H)
Telephone (W)
Telephone (C)
Date of Birth
Next of Kin
Next of Kin Telephone
Next of Kin Relation
Marital Status singlemarrieddivorcedwidowed
Leisure activities, including exercise routines:
Occupation, including activities that comprise your workday
Height (ft)
Weight (Pounds)
Are you on a work restriction from your doctor? Please Select a ValueNOYES
Is this a medical legal case? Please Select a ValueNOYES
Are you latex or tape sensitive? Please Select a ValueNOYES
Do you smoke? Please Select a ValueNOYES
Do you have a pacemaker or any other implanted device? Please Select a ValueNOYES
If you have a pacemaker Please Describe Please Select a ValueNOYES
FOR WOMEN: Are you currently pregnant or think you might be pregnant? Please Select a ValueNOYES
ALLERGIES: List any medication(s) or food you are allergic to:
Have you RECENTLY noted any of the following (check all that apply)? FatigueNumbness or TinglingConstipationFever/Chills/SweatsMuscle WeaknessDiarrheaNausea/VomitingDizziness/LightheadednessShortness of breathWeight Loss/GainHeartburn/IndigestionFaintingDifficulty maintaining balance while walkingDifficulty SwallowingCoughChanges in bowel or bladder functionFallsHeadachesSkin Changes
Body Chart: Please mark the areas where you feel symptoms on the chart to the right with the following symbols to describe your symptoms: Shooting/sharp pain Dull/aching pain ||| Numbness = Tingling
Please mark the areas where you feel symptoms (Dull/aching pain, Numbness, Tingling)
My symptoms currently: Come and goAre ConstantAre constant, but change with activity
What date (roughly) did your present symptoms start?
What do you think caused your symptoms?
My symptoms are currently: Please Select a ValueGetting BetterGetting WorseStaying about the same
I should not do physical activities that might make my pain worse: Please Select a ValueDisagreeUnsureAgree
Treatment received so far for this problem (chiropractic, injections, etc)
Please list special tests performed for this problem (x-ray, MRI, labs, etc)
Have you ever had this problem before: Please Select a ValueNOYES
Treatment rec’d
How long did it take for you to feel better?
Aggravating Factors: Identify up to 3 important positions or activities that make your symptoms worse:
Easing Factors: Identify up to 3 important positions or activities that make your symptoms better:
How are you currently able to sleep at night due to your symptoms? Please Select a ValueNo problem sleeping Difficulty falling asleepAwakened by painSleep only with medication
When are your symptoms worst? Please Select a ValueMorningAfternoonEveningNightAfter exercise
When are your symptoms the best? Please Select a ValueMorningAfternoonEveningNightAfter exercise
Using the 0 to 10 scale, with 0 being “no pain” and 10 being the “worst pain imaginable” please describe:
Your current level of pain while completing this survey: 0 No Pain - 10 Worst Pain Imaginable Please Select a Value012345678910
The best your pain has been during the past 24 hours: 0 No Pain - 10 Worst Pain Imaginable Please Select a Value012345678910
The worst your pain has been during the past 24 hours: 0 No Pain - 10 Worst Pain Imaginable Please Select a Value012345678910
Please list any medications you are currently taking (INCLUDING pills, injections, herbal supplements and/or skin patches):
Have you ever taken steroid medications for any medical conditions? Please Select a ValueNOYES
Have you ever taken blood thinning or anticoagulant medications for any medical conditions? Please Select a ValueNOYES
Please list any surgeries or other conditions for which you have been hospitalized, including dates:
Page 4
Have you EVER been diagnosed with any of the following conditions (check all that apply)? CancerDepressionThyroid problemsHeart ProblemsLung ProblemsDiabetesChest Pain/Angina TuberculosisOsteoporosisHigh Blood Pressure AsthmaMultiple SclerosisCirculation ProblemsRheumatoid ArthritisEpilepsyBlood ClotsOther Arthritic ConditionEye Problem/InfectionStrokeBladder/Urinary Tract InfectionUlcersAnemiaKidney Problem/InfectionLiver ProblemsBone or Joint InfectionSexually Transmitted Disease/HIVHepatitisChemical Dependency (i.e., alcoholism)Pelvic Inflammatory DiseasePneumonia
Has anyone in your immediate family (parents, brothers, sisters) EVER been diagnosed with any of the following conditions (check all that apply)? CancerDiabetesTuberculosisHeart ProblemsStrokeThyroid ProblemsHigh Blood PressureDepressionBlood Clots
During the past month have you been feeling down, depressed or hopeless? Please Select a ValueNOYES
During the past month have you been bothered by having little interest or pleasure in doing things? Please Select a ValueNOYES
Is this something with which you would like help? Please Select a ValueNOYESYES, BUT NOT TODAY
Do you ever feel unsafe at home or has anyone hit you or tried to injure you in any way? Please Select a ValueNOYES
What are your goals for physical therapy?
Referring Doctor:
Date of referral:
Are there any other problems you would like to discuss with your therapist?
Additional documents